November 17, 2013

Blue Springs, FL 11.14.13

After a good nights rest we were ready to hike Blue Springs.

There is a small area where several boats can nose up and tie off to a few trees.  Normally there is a little beach but it was under a few inches of water.

These are pictures of the Manatees that spend the winter here. They were taken in 2011, but I wanted to show you how beautiful it is.


There is a nice boardwalk to the head waters and it stays 72* year around. That is why the Manatees come during the winter.


I didn’t make the walk this year. As I was getting off the boat I stepped in a hole and fell to my knees in the water. Got just a little bit soaked.

Sue wasn’t able to leave the boat since there was no place to dock…so I decided to change clothes and dingy over to visit. I wanted to hear about living aboard a sailboat for 3 years and a trip to the Bahamas and Caribbean. And they did it aboard a 27’ or 28’ Bristol. 


After everyone saw the Manatees, we headed S.

We docked at the launch ramp. Bud, Jim and Jerry went to see if the trailer and tire were ready…picked up pizza and we enjoyed dinner and conversation. It was the most time all of us had spent together since launching.

The Ugly Duckling decided to stay at the dock. They wanted to pull out early. 

We headed up to Butcher’s Bend near marker G 109. One of our favorite anchorages. Of course, on the river, we have a lot of favorites.

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